Tyro Investor Centre

Latest Share Price (TYR)



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Investor Fact Sheet

Name: Tyro Payments Limited
Tyro’s ACN: ACN 103 575 042
Business Description: Tyro Payments Limited (ASX:TYR) is an Australian public listed company. Tyro is an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) that holds an authority to carry on banking business in Australia.
Business Established: 2003
Listings: Tyro Payments Limited is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
Ticker code: TYR
Registered Office: Tyro Payments Limited
18/55 Market Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
Company Secretary: Jairan Amigh
Website: https://www.tyro.comOpens in new window
Auditor: Ernst & Young
Share Registry: Australia
Link Market Services
Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 02 8280 7100 (within Australia)
+61 2 8280 7100 (outside Australia)
Investor relations: Martyn Adlam - Head of Investor Relations
E: investorrelations@tyro.com